
“Don’t give up on your dreams. When they are gone you may still exist, but you’ve ceased to really live” (Mark Twain)

“If you believe in your dreams, there’s no limit to what you can do.” Locked-up inside you is a little kid who once thought anything was possible. (wonder what happened to that little person?) As you grew older, however you may have gotten mentally “beaten up” and you and your ideas have been put down. Your dream of living the life you wanted may have at some point slipped away from you. And perhaps, here you are, not really as happy as you could be. Or worse yet, you may not be happy at all. However, there’s still hope. The little dreamer you once were is still living inside you. somehow it got misplaced  in your journey through this thing they call life.

All you need is the willpower to unlock those dreams in your heart.

Better yet, make you some new dreams, because those were not big enough.

Hopefully this gives you desire and inspiration, get fired up, You were born to be a winner. Are you ready?

If you find value in this please comment and share.


Together we can help others learn to live again, instead of just exist. ********************************************************************************

My WISH for you is.






Jay Young

Olympics of Life

P.O. Box 5005

Glencoe, AL. 35905
