The Extra Mile


Can you go the extra mile ?

Our man Sam has fallen ill and we need you to pick up the slack…. You agree, because after all you are a team player.

You jump in and take on the extra load and handle it without a glitch. Your’e busy so you don’t pay any attention to what has just happened.

A few months later, another one of your colleagues has some bad luck and you are ask once again to pick up the slack.

Of course, without hesitation you agree and off you go, doing a great job as usual.

As months or years pass by, you realize that you are carrying the load of three people instead of one, You’re spending more time getting the job done, …. YOUR PAY IS STILL THE SAME!!!….

What’s wrong with this Picture?

You’ve got the majority of your life invested in your career and you can’t seem to get any relief. You’re told that “we can’t afford” to bring anybody else in, we’re upgrading the system to be more efficient or what ever the excuse of the day may be. You’re retirement and future are in the hands of someone else. You have no control, You are to far in, this is the special thanks that the typical company will reward you with before your grand departure. You get to learn to live on 40 percent of what you were having a tough time living on the 100 percent that you were making. Do you have a plan B in place?  95+ percent of the American population don’t.

What does your future look like?

Are you ready to take control of your life?


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Together we can help others learn to live again, instead of just exist.


My WISH for you is.






Jay Young

Olympics of Life

P.O. Box 5005

Glencoe, Alabama 35905